Labour Law 
Individual labour relations
Collective labour relations
Health and safety at work
Company restructuring
Individual labour relations
- Employment contract: conclusion, performance, suspension, amendment, transfer, termination
- Disciplinary procedures: management of the procedure, drawing up and updating the internal regulations and/or the IT charter
- Negotiated terminations of employment contracts: contractual termination, settlement
- Other ways of terminating an employment contract: resignation, notice of termination and judicial termination, departure and retirement
Collective labour relations
- Professional elections: setting up and re-election of the Social and Economic Committee (CSE)
- Managing relations with staff representative bodies: recurrent and ad hoc consultations, BDESE (Economic, Social and Environmental Database), expert appraisals, whistleblowing rights, etc.
- Collective bargaining: negotiation, conclusion and implementation of collective agreements, mandatory negotiations and drafting of collective agreements on remote working and the right to disconnect, psychosocial risks, professional equality, etc.
- Length and organisation of working hours
- Employee savings: incentives, profit-sharing, employee savings plans and Time Savings Accounts (Compte Epargne Temps (CET))
Company restructuring
- Company transfers
- Procedures for collective redundancies on economic grounds
- Restructuring tools
Health and safety at work
- Occupational risks: drawing up of the Document Unique d'Evaluation des Risques Professionnels (single document for professional risk assessment) and managing relations with the various players involved in prevention (employees, elected representatives, occupational health department and company doctor)
- Psychosocial risks (PSR): prevention of PSR, psychological and/or sexual harassment and violence in the workplace, negotiation of an agreement on PSR and implementation and monitoring of an internal investigation procedure
- Unfitness for work
- Work-related accidents and illnesses
- Individual and collective labour law disputes before the relevant court